
Partners who support UNA in this exciting period of expansion will reap significant ongoing benefits now and in years to come; as we grow, you grow.

How are we going to achieve this?

By using our resources, we develop a comprehensive range of products under the UNA brand which are brought to the market via our broker Members.

Then, by repeatedly reviewing the services we provide at UNA, we drive these products to the customer via our nationwide network of brokers.

We need your support...

In order to continue this work, we rely upon the support of our partners through on-going investment into the UNA

UNA has worked tirelessly to ensure that all its relationships are founded on mutual trust and transparency, based Alliance.

We encourage ‘Partner Insurers’ to support us with high levels of operational commitment. This ensures all parties are aiming to meet the same objectives and are actively involved in the relationship. The more we all put into the UNA Alliance, the more we all get out. We have an agreed strategy with every partner which is developed in monthly/quarterly meetings to ensure our clients get the best deals possible.

This give the guarantee that whether you are a member company or a client, you can be assured that all the relationships we enter into are for your benefit, on long-term sustainability rather than short-term gain.

Share in our success...

Becoming a ‘Partner Insurer’ in the UNA Alliance gives you a unique opportunity to participate in an organisation that is dedicated to making its clients, partners and members has quality products and service that is really sustainable.

As a ‘Partner Insurer’ you will have access to thousands of industry professionals within a nationwide Alliance of independent Member Brokers, all backed by the proven expertise and assistance provided by the UNA organisation.

For more information on any aspect of the work and the associated benefits that membership of UNA offers, contact:

Tim Ryan
UNA Executive Chairman
T: 01473 343401
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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